#UKFP001* - UKFP TITLEForce Politicians & Snivil Cervants To Remember They WORK FOR US; make Public Servants ACCOUNTABLE!
The corruption of some in Politics is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
For further information on The UK First Party which claims to be a non-racist, non-sectarian party bookmark this page and come back to the Blog regularly and we will try to keep you up to date.
TO LEAVE THE EUWhat is the exit and survival plan for these United Kingdoms to maximise on the many benefits of leaving The EU.
It is the DUTY of our Politicians and Snivil Cervants to ensure the continuity, liberty and right to self determination of our peoples, they have a DUTY to protect against crime and secure both our food and our borders. NONE of these DUTIES has a single British politician upheld for over 40 years. They have drawn their incomes fraudulently and dishonesty and treated their expenses as no more than a piggy pank to break into. Providing themselves not only with over generous incomes but obscenely over generous long term pensions and gains.Politicians are failing to tell the truth, but so are almost all wanabe Politicians, the MSM and Snivil Cervants. There are now over 30,000 political offices costing in excess of £500 Million per annum! Do you believe YOU get value for money?
The fact is that even if EVERY British MEP wanted change in The EU it would achieve NOTHING.
Every single British Politician, of EVERY Party, elected since before we joined the EUropean Common Market, has promised to change The EU's CAP - In 40 Years they have achieved absolutely NOTHING!
To try to put a value on OUR Freedom is as futile as floccipaucinihilipilification and as odious as the metissage of our societies, as we rummage in the ashes of our ancestors dreams, sacrifices and achievements, the flotsam of our hopes and the jetsam of our lives, consider the Country and Anglosphere which we leave our children and the future, with shame!Regards,
Greg L-W.
01291 – 62 65 62
PLEASE POST THIS TAG AS FOLLOWS:ON YOUR eMAILS & BLOGS, FORUM POSTINGS & MAILINGS - GET THE MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE IT IS OUR BEST HOPE AS WHOEVER IS APPOINTED WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE AS PROVED!I SUGGEST – where UKFirstParty is not standing and there is thus clearly no political party of repute, advocating or campaigning for withdrawal of these United Kingdoms from the EU and restoration of our independent sovereign, democracy, with Justice & the right to self determination in a free country.
Deny the self seeking & meaningless wanabe MEPs the Mythical Mandate for which they clamour. Undemocratic damaging Diktat is imposed from The EU when clearly Law should be made at Westminster, for our Country & our Peoples.
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper: LEAVE THE EU